2.1: Characteristics


Haggling is practiced all over the world.  One of the places that it is heavily practiced is in the Philippines, specifically in rural areas.  It is often done at flea markets and is rarely done at department stores.  This is due to the fact that at flea markets the products/merchandise are home grown, handmade, or second hand.  It is much more difficult to haggle at department stores because everything is set to market price.

Haggling is deemed as a polite argument.  There is nothing wrong with haggling and people should not be afraid to do it.  Vendors actually have a price margin for hagglers so if you politely ask, then you’re more likely to get that discount.

Things to consider prior to going shopping:

  1. Set a budget before going and bring only enough cash.  This way you are more likely to haggle because you have limited funds.
  2. Have a short list of the things you plan to buy and know the prevalent market prices of the items.
  3. Decide how much you are willing to spend for each item and remember to stick to them.
  4. Dress for bargaining success.  Put on a simple outfit and avoid wearing designer clothes, expensive accessories and extravagant jewelries.

Objective: Given eight options, the participant will identify all characteristics relevant to haggling.

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